In 1996 Domino felt his life had no real direction and needed to find something to hold on to so at a very young age he flew from his home country Finland to Cape Town,South Africa to explore and find a life and without knowing it,there was one waiting for him.
The very first day in Cape Town Domino ran into Simo SS Jessen. Simo was also from Finland and had moved to Cape Town in the 80s. He had fled from the law enforcement in his home country. With Simos logic it meant that he had to prove himself by becoming a police officer in South Africa,wich he did,so at the time when Domino met Simo he was a cop but also a tattoo artist. He had his own studio in Cape Town,The Ducks Tattoo.
Simo invited Domino to stay at his house and they became friends instantly. Just after a few days Simo asked Domino if he wanted to become a tattoo artist. Domino had been interested in drawing all his life and had already been under the needle a few times and was very fascinated by the art form so it was an easy YES,and besides he was hanging around the shop all day long anyway.
Theres a twist to the story. Relatives of Simo often sent him Finnish magazines so that he would know what was going on in his home country and in 1992 he red an article about the most famous studio in Finland,The Ducks Tattoo in Helsinki. He decided he wanted to become an tattoo artist so he returned to Finland for one year to be an apprentice at the Ducks Tattoo. Without knowing any of this,Domino decides,at under age,that he wants to have some ink done on him and what happened was that while Domino was getting his first tattoos done at The Ducks Tattoo, Simo is also in the shop but the two of them are never introduced. When Simo was done with his training and returned to Cape Town,he opened up a franchise of the Ducks Tattoo there. So when Simo and Domino randomly met in 1996 they didnt realized that they had it before in the Ducks Tattoo in Helsinki 4 years earlier. When Domino in 1997 returned to Finland he opened up his own studio,Tattoo Studio Domino in his home town Porvoo.
That is now 15 years ago and the studio is still running and doing well. The choice of becoming a tattoo artist also led to a lot of traveling and meeting people and friends all over the world. For example Domino has worked in Brisbane (Australia) ,Phoenix Arizona (USA) ,Bangkok,Thailand,Spain and of course Cape Town,South Africa.
Here and now in 2012 its time for the 15 year anniversary party that will be held Wednesday 29.8.2012 at Gluckauf,a restaurant by the river in the town of Porvoo. There will be tattooed people,bikers,hot chicks,rock stars and of course YOU,since you are hereby invited!! There will also be bands playing,one that needs to be mentioned is Warner Drive from Hollywood,CA.Tattoo artists at work and all sorts of stuff happening. Its outdoors so in the case of rain or otherwise bad weather,the party will be held at restaurant Seurahovi.
A personal note from Domino " I want to thank all my customers from the last 15 years and all the other tattoo artists out there that have helped me along the way,without you I would be nothing".